
Lisa Seymour, Administrative Assistant
Address: 30 Crescent Street, Suite 1, Hill, NHpoverty_pond
Telephone: 603-934-1094
Fax: 603-934-2011

Office Hours: Monday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm;
Tuesday 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm; Wednesday Closed, and Thursday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm

Notary Services Available

To view the Right-to-Know Policy and to print the Right-to-Know request form, please view the following link: 2023 Selectmens RTK Policy

Selectmen’s Meeting: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Appointment appreciated on Tuesday evening

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

Board of Selectmen:
Shaun Bresnahan Jr, 2027 –
Rick Vincent, 2028 –
Stephen Thomson, 2026 –

To view the Long Term Inter-Governmental Agreement, please select the following link: Intergovernmental Agreement signed 9.7.2022

To view the Long Term Inter-Governmental Agreement between the Board of Selectmen and the Hill School Board for School Use of Maurice P. Wheeler Ballpark, please select the following link: Long Term Inter-Governmental Agreement for Ball Park 06-07-2011

Town of Hill, NH Safety Committee

Safety Committee Meeting Minutes:
