Water Works

Water Main Break: 603-707-2260 (Charles Estes)
Email: CEstes@townofhillnh.org

Water Works Notifications

Water Works Commissioners Meeting:
2nd Tuesday each month at 6:30pm in the Hill Public Library

Water Works Commissioners Committee

A three member Board of Water Commissioners is appointed by the Hill Board of Selectmen. The Water Commission appointed a Superintendent who directs the day to day administration and affairs of Hill Water Works in accordance with authority conferred by NH RSA 38. The Water Commissioners are responsible for the establishment of water rates to be charged to customers, the preparation and submission of an annual budget, any policy changes, new regulations, and for the conduct of all other business for the department in accordance with good business practice, laws and regulations. The Superintendent is responsible for administrative duties of the day to day operations of the Hill Water Works.

A certified water operator is contracted by the Water Commission. Pump Systems Incorporated of Franklin, NH has been contracted as Hill Water Works certified operator. The certified operator is supervised by the Superintendent and is charged with operational duties as directed by the Commissioners and Superintendent. The Superintendent is responsible to the Commissioners for the performance of any subordinates and the certified operator is responsible for the technical aspects of the water supply, treatment and distribution system.

The Hill Water Works system consists of two gravel packed wells, a 275,000 gallon storage tank, water mains, fire hydrants and approximately 135 service connections primarily located in the “village” area of the Town of Hill. Each customer is billed on a monthly basis. A customer desiring to have water service connected, disconnected or inspected shall give the Department a minimum of 48 hours notice and shall pay the applicable service charge (see schedule of rates and fees).

At the Granite State Rural Water Association Operator Field Day on September 17, 2019 Hill Water Works received the award for the Best Tasting Drinking Water in New Hampshire. The contest was sponsored by Eastern Analytical and the award was presented after a panel of judges selected the winning entry based upon clarity, odor, and taste. Please select the link below to view the award.

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
EPA Ground Water and Drinking Water