Water Commissioners

Emergency Contact:
Charles Estes, 603-707-2260

Email: waterdept@townofhillnh.org

Water Commissioners Meeting:
2nd Tuesday each month, 6:30pm in the Hill Public Library

At the Granite State Rural Water Association Operator Field Day on September 17, 2019 Hill Water Works received the award for the Best Tasting Drinking Water in New Hampshire. The contest was sponsored by Eastern Analytical and the award was presented after a panel of judges selected the winning entry based upon clarity, odor, and taste. Please select the link below to view the award.

Water Commissioners Meeting Minutes


Consumer Confidence Reports:

2024 Consumer Confidence Report
CCR Table 2024
2023 Consumer Confidence Report
2022 Consumer Confidence Report
2021 Consumer Confidence Report
2020 Consumer Confidence Report
2019 Consumer Confidence Report
2018 Consumer Confidence Report
2017 Consumer Confidence Report
2016 Consumer Confidence Report
2015 Consumer Confidence Report
2014 Consumer Confidence Report
2013 Consumer Confidence Report

Water Commissioners – Term
Stephen Thomson, 2027
Anthony Cartier, 2025
Charles Estes, 2026